We don't know which class is responsible, but ... THANK YOU LAKEVIEW! It was a great way to end our day. Your kindness brought smiles to our faces. #WarsawInspires
4 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Sidewalk drawing
Mrs. Bogg's Lakeview students play games with the Applied Skills Class!
4 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Students play games
Students play games
Students play games
Students play games
Ben is announcing Spirit Week with previous Spirit Week memories. Mark your calendars for September 23rd-27th!!!!
5 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Student announces spirit week bulletin board
Maddy's First Day Working at Grace College!!! We are so proud of you!
5 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Maddy's first day at work
Maddy's first day at work
Maddy's first day at work
School Picture Day is coming up!
5 months ago, Gateway Education Center
School Picture day announcement
Students enjoyed getting to know a new friend!
5 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Student holds puppy
Student holds puppy
Student holds puppy
Student holds puppy
Gateway students kick off the year with a trip to the Indiana State Fair! The Indiana State Fair teaches students about everything from personal gardening to full time agricultural jobs. #WarsawINSPIRES
5 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Students at state fair
Welcome Back Gateway!
6 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Student holds picture of quote
Student holds picture of quote
Student holds picture of quote
Student holds picture of quote
Student holds picture of quote
Student holds picture of quote
Happy Birthday Ben!
6 months ago, Gateway Education Center
best friends celebrate birthday
Student holds birthday cake
students celebrate birthday
End of the Year Celebration! Congratulations Jalynn, Lizzie, and Tony!!!! We will miss you all. Have a wonderful summer.
8 months ago, Gateway Education Center
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
End of year celebration
Applied Skills students enjoy lunch out and a trip to the park!
8 months ago, Gateway Education Center
students at park
students at park
students at park
students at lunch
students at lunch
students at lunch
students at park
students at park
students at park
Middle school students visit the Old Jail Museum in Warsaw!
9 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Students at Museum
Students at Museum
Students at Museum
Students at Museum
Celebrating Kennedy Rosen BSN, RN at Lakeview Middle School and Bianca Landrum, LPN at Gateway Education Center on International School Nurse Day! Their expertise and caring attitude make a significant difference in supporting our students and staff every day. Let's show our appreciation for their dedication to creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone in our school community.
9 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Applied skills students working hard at the Animal Welfare League!!
9 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Applied skills students working hard at the Animal Welfare League
Happy Admin Professionals Day Mrs. Miller! You keep this place running smoothly, and you do it with joy in your heart! "She is a key to this place moving forward and we are thankful for her!!!" -David Bailey
9 months ago, Gateway Education Center
School administrative assistant.
School administrative assistant.
School administrative assistant.
School administrative assistant.
Little chefs visited applied skills!
9 months ago, Gateway Education Center
students dressed as colorful mini chefs
Applied Skills students had so much fun bowling. Mason, Maddy, Kurtney, and Tony were our top scorers!! A huge THANK YOU to @WarsawBowl for having us! #ExperienceWCS
10 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Students bowling
Solar Eclipse! #ExperienceWCS
10 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
Students looking at solar eclipse with glasses.
HSDT students helping WIN students color eggs.
10 months ago, Gateway Education Center
Coloring eggs
Coloring eggs
Easter eggs
Lakeview Library hosts WIN class for Easter activities and egg hunt! Thanks ladies!
10 months ago, Gateway Education Center
kids make Easter crafts
kids make easter crafts
kids make easter crafts
kids make easter crafts